Differences between physical activity and physical exercise.

Physical activity and Exercise. Here is a lot of confusion about the differences between physical activity and exercise. It is also common to confuse the two terms with sports.

Physical activity is some movement of the body, such as walking, dusting, or sitting and getting up from a chair.

Exercise is a planned, structured, and repetitive activity that has a clear goal as a goal. Common examples include running, dancing, or cycling.

Sport is a physical exercise where you compete. It can also be running, dancing, or cycling, but there must be rules to follow and a ranking to determine a winner.

Or it can also be golfing, where you need to invest in golf equipment for performance, comfort, and long-term enjoyment of the game. While it may involve a higher initial cost, the benefits of improved performance and durability can make it a wise choice for serious golfers.

The changes between physical activity, exercise, and sport go much further.

It is common for industry professionals to encounter answers like these when questioning their clients or patients.

– Do you exercise regularly?

– What do you mean? Because I move, I move a lot.

To avoid this confusion, at the Instituto ISAF, we explain in much more detail what each of these activities consists differences training and exercise.

What is physical activity?

As the name suggests, physical activity is any activity that involves the movement of the body with the associated energy expenditure.

It’s a bit like the Mary Poppins bag because after you think a little bit, you keep doing the activity from the moment you wake up until you let your body rest. Physical.

The type of movement we develop is irrelevant. What defines physical activity is a movement that, in addition to walking, can be demonstrated by walking around the block to buy the newspaper, bread, or redfish. In all three cases, physical activity will practice.

You could say that physical activity is multidisciplinary if one focuses on the fact that it can include anybody’s movement. In some cases, and regardless of the energy expenditure, it will block be cheaper than in others. Still, all activities that involve our motor system and involve energy expenditure are physical.

Types of physical activity

Types Those that are necessary because there are many examples of physical activity.

Since we have agreed that the concept of physical activity is like the Mary Poppins bag, physical activity can be:

  • Clean the dust
  • To sweep up
  • Walk the dog for five minutes.
  • Stroll through the store windows
  • Get up and sit down
  • To cook
  • Walk from the workplace to the copier on the second floor, taking the elevator or not.
  • Set the table or take it away
  • Make his bed

However, the original question did not refer to this type of activity. It asks with intention. It is no longer a matter of touching around a lot like that, at random. Now we have to plan.

What is physical exercise?

If we are going to exercise, the Mary Poppins bag is not working for us. You have to be more careful with a classic nature observation case, for example, where the items will organize, the day they will use, the planning and observing routines will be repetitive.

It is precisely exercise, a planned, structured, and repetitive activity that seeks a clear goal but can be variable. It is a spark!

Characteristics of physical exercise

Physical exercise brings together five initial ingredients:

  • Design
  • Planning
  • Routine
  • Durability
  • Target

Depending on what goal you ultimately want to achieve and how much time you want to invest to achieve it – whether short, medium, or long term – a personalized design will be established to move forward on the path and achieve the goal.

I am using a straightforward metaphor. We already know that many roads lead to Rome, but the important thing is to go there and be clear that you have to go through the Colosseum.

With physical exercise, a personalized itinerary establish so that everyone knows Rome as they like it best

As much as they insist on being gray with a rainy afternoon cadence and containment, planning and routine are creating opportunities to make the most of the planning devised.

Itineraries may vary, just as the times for performing the physical exercise, planning can design with interchangeable routines that do the workouts that lead to the goal more different.

It has good planning that is not subject to precise and immutable rules.

Also Read: What are the Benefits of Spinning?

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